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But do not let zenut (fornication) or anything of tumah (uncleanness) or chamdanut (covetousness) even be named among you, as is proper for Kadoshim.

And also let there be nothing that is an ERVAT DAVAR (indecent thing) or the tipshus (foolery) or foolish talking of letzim (coarse jesting) or shtiklech (misconduct), which are not fitting, but rather hodayah (thanksgiving).

For of this you have da’as vada (with certainty), that every zoneh (fornicator) or impure person or covetous person (chamdanut is avodah zarah, avodah elilim) does not have a nachalah in the Malchut of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach and of Hashem.

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